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NSW 2065, Australia

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Slides & Negatives To Digital

Do you have slides, negatives, or prints tucked away where no one can see them?

Pixels Plus provides high-quality slide, film, and print scanning services. We can scan all film types using the latest scanning equipment.

Scan them to CD, DVD or USB!

Types of negatives we scan:

  • 110 & 126 "Instamatic" negative filmstrip scanning
  • 35mm, 110, 126, & 127 slide scanning
  • 35mm negative scanning
  • 35mm transparency scanning
  • 120/220 medium format negative scanning
  • 120/220 medium format transparency scanning
  • 4x5 inch large format negative scanning
  • 4x5 inch large format transparency scanning
  • Microfiche Film
  • Glass Plates
  • Old Box Brownie and land camera negatives
  • Custom high-end DVD slideshow authoring after scanning service.

It's a fact that negatives and slides deteriorate over time. The means of printing, scanning & copying them in the future will not be available as photo lab machines will be entirely digital-only, as it is already will the likes of Harvey Norman. But you don't want to wait until it's too late and find out that your precious memories have faded away, do you?

If you value your memories and want to preserve them, the best option you have is film scanning. High-resolution scans are a great way to archive and preserve your history because, unlike film, digital files do not fade or colour shift on their own. Files can be copied in a few mouse clicks, and storage media is relatively inexpensive. This means copies can be easily made and stored in multiple locations. Simple storage is not the only benefit of having your film scanned, and there are many advantages to bringing your film into the digital age.

Once your slides and film have been scanned, they can be restored to their original condition and even be improved. In most cases, colours can be brought back to life and fading restored. We do basic colour corrections and fading restoration on all our scans free of charge. However, many of our clients want further adjustments to improve the colour and composition of their photographs. For example, people can be added or removed from your photographs, tears and scratches removed, colour photographs can be transformed to beautiful black & white, and b&w photos can be colourised. The possibilities are endless!

All our scans are done individually by hand to ensure the highest level of quality possible. Materials are evaluated pre and post-scan, and adjustments are made if needed. Your materials are always handled professionally and with care. We know they are priceless to you.

When we've completed scanning your negatives, slides, or prints, we return your original materials along with the CD or DVD containing the film scans. Our scans are numerically named so that you can order photo restorations or prints from Pixels Plus later.

If you order a CD or DVD, they can be in a data format or a slide show format.

Film Scanning Services To CD

From Cut 35mm Film

Scanned Image Resolution 24 Exposure Roll of Film 36 Exposure Roll of Film
Standard Resolution (6MB file size) $21.50 per roll $24.95 per roll
High Resolution (27MB file size) $49.00 per roll $62.00 per roll
Scanned Image Resolution
A single strip of 4 or 6 frames 
( First Strip )
Extra strips or 4 to 6 frames
Standard Resolution (6MB file size) $8.50 for the first strip $5.00 per extra strip
High Resolution (27MB file size) $25.00 for the first strip $15.00 per extra strip

Please Note: For prints, see print pricing at the link - Online Prints & Gifts.


From Mounted Slides (Epson Scanner)

This scanning option produces the best results from your slides in a bulk quantity. Basic colour, density, and curve adjustments are made during the pre-scan to achieve the best final scan per slide.

Slide Quantity Price (With Manual Colour & Density Correction)
1st Slide $7.00
Next 2-20 Slides $2.50
21 Plus Slides $1.85

Please Note: For prints, see print pricing at the link - Online Prints & Gifts.


From Mounted Slides (SlideSnap Pro Bulk Scanner)

This service is our budget bulk scanning option for large quantities of slides or simply a cheaper alternative to our Epson scanner option. The file sizes are approximately 14 megapixels per image. 

Slide Quantity Price (With Auto Density Correction only)

Setup per 80 slides

80 - 480 Slides $1.45
481 to 960 Slides $1.25
961 Plus Slides $0.95


Please Note: For prints, see print pricing at the link - Online Prints & Gifts.


From Mounted Slides (Plustek Pro Scanner)

This service is for high-resolution scanning needed for large mural prints or the digital restoration/removal of mild mould on slides. 

Slide Quantity Price (With full manual Colour correction and restoration plus Density Correction and infrared blemish and mould Removal.)
All scans will be in TIFF format.
1 to 3 Slide $30.00
4-15 Slides $15
15 Plus Slides $10


Please Note: For prints, see print pricing at the link - Online Prints & Gifts.


From Old Negative & transparency Formats

(e.g. Box Brownie, 120 FILM, 5x4in, 8x10in, Microfiche, Xray Film)

Quantity Price
1st Scan $7.00
Next 2-10 $5.00
11 plus $3.50
Scans to CD $8.50
Scans to USB (Customer supplied) $3.50
Scans to USB (Pixels Plus Purchase) FREE
Scans to DropBox $3.50

Please Note: For prints, see print pricing at the link - Online Prints & Gifts.